REV. A. G. BUCHANAN - "The Morning Star Preacher"
634-EP-45-782-A - I've Been A'Waitin'
(Luther Presley) (Stamps/Baxter)
634-EP-45-782-A - Walking The Sea
(Ernest Peppetoe) (Affilitaed Music)
634-EP-45-782-B - Heaven Holds All To Me
(Tillet S. Teddlie) (Stamps/Baxter)
634-EP-45-782-B - There'll Be Shouting
(E. M. Bartlett) (Affiliated Music)
Box 295, Bakersville, NC
Source: Terry Gordon/ Ron Lees
Was repressed with writer spelling mistake corrected. [Peppetoe to Rippetoe]
Gloryland Jubilee lists the date as June 59.
Originally listed as : -
782A - Crying In Your Sleep (Big Howdy / Singing River Publ.)
(Vern Pullens)
782B - Wise Eyes (Big Howdy / Singing River Publ.)
(Vern Pullens) BIG HOWDY 782
Box 870, Bogalusa, LA
Personally, I don't think this is a Starday Custom but it's listed in Nate Gibsons excellent Starday Story book, and also appears on Youtube as a custom. I've listed it here in the vain hope somebody can tell me either way.